Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness

Our Mission is to reach out to children who generally lack access to public school services  primarily due to to poverty.

Our Mission

Our primary aim is to assist children who typically don’t have access to public education resources, mostly because of poverty. Also, these children only have limited access to food, shelter, safety, and health. Regardless of caste, creed, gender, race, or social position, our goal is to provide each child quality education that focuses on their physical, mental, emotional, social, and cognitive development. Nutrition is served as well for them to grow healthy and strong which plays a very crucial role in their development, which is also one of our major motive as no child should suffer from hunger.

Our Vision

Aligning with our vision community, our focus is to provide education to the children in order to shape and mold them for a better future. We believe that we need to empower livelihood programs

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Mid-Day Meal

All of our children are served with a filling lunch every day filled with nutrients. As a nutrient-dense diet is essential for young children, whose brains are still developing, since it supports their ability to understand the environment around them and to concentrate and pay attention in the class.  In contrast, proper nutrition supports optimal health, growth, and development, making children feel better and allowing them to enjoy life in all its fullness.

Without the correct nourishment, they may suffer with low energy and struggle to develop the attention-holding skills that become more important as they get older which negatively affects their cognitive abilities and academic performance.




Family Benefitted





What Our Supporters Say

Our work is driven by a deep commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve. We are grateful to have touched the lives of countless individuals and communities, and we value the feedback and experiences shared by those who have benefited from our programs and support.

“Shalom is a beautiful and wonderful place. The smiles of innocent children bloom happiness in your heart. They are adorable. It’s a genuine initiative to help the needy. Being in contact with them has brought so much happiness and gratitude in my life. Life feels better, the zeal of the children make you believe in the power of hope. It’s been the silver lining to the lives of these children. During COVID-19, when everyone was down, it helped to shape not only the lives of children but also helped the community in a way, that was not possible for others to do. It’s been a great activist and I hope they grow bigger each and every day and help this society with their utmost strength. I feel grateful and proud to be part of an unfolding narrative that promises more success stories in the time to come. I also wish SHALOM all the very best for all its future projects. ”
Hazel Albert
Teacher, Effort Tutorial
“From the desire to do something for children and adults, living in the impoverished neighbourhood around her , the seed of “Shalom” was down a few years back. Reaching out to them she began providing meals and education to the poor and the needy “Street Children”. Slowly and steadily with help from her family and friends and generous bene factors , even in the ‘Lockdown’ she managed to keep the “Ship of Hope” afloat, bringing Smiles and Joy and Happiness to the faces of Innocent Children. Local community also came forward and her Christmas and other programs impacted in those around her living the message of Christ our Lord to go out and witness to the world, the “Love of Christ” not only in words but in action too. Wishing her every success in her endeavour and may “Shalom” which has now blossomed into a fully grown NGO continue to remain an Inspiration to others.”
Suresh Manuel Raphael
Retired Banker
“Since its inception in 2015, Shalom has made a significant contribution to the underprivileged children of Kolkata. Its modus operandi of providing free mid-day meals to school-going children is touching and efficient. The nourishing food acts as a motivation for parents to send their children to school and once there they receive mental, physical and emotional sustenance from the knowledge and nutrition that is lovingly provided to them. This ensures a more equal distribution of opportunity among the poorest of the poor to help them fulfil their dreams. Shalom’s passion for making a positive difference in the lives of these children has seen it withstand the corrosive tide of COVID-19, battle tremendous odds, and yet survive. Kudos to Marina and Ayub for their selfless dedication and sacrifice. I am impressed by their striving and consistency, innovation, and accountability. “
Ritu Foran